If your Church, business or organization would like to help present and future residents with an item listed below, please contact us at (615) 444-8882.
Also feel free to check out our Amazon Wishlist, which is constantly being updated with current house necessities.
Should you wish to donate items on our immediate or ongoing needs lists, feel free to call to set up an appointment.
Immediate Needs
- Dreft Laundry Detergent
- Lysol Wipes
- Lysol Spray
- Daily Shower Cleaner
- Paper Plates
- Bleach
Ongoing Needs:
- Paper Plates (not foam)
- Dish Detergent
- 13 Gal Trash Bags
- Toilet Bowl Cleaner
- Stainless Steel Cleaner
- 33 Gal. Trash Bags
- Solo Cups
- Scotch Brite Cleaning Sponges
- Plastic Freezer Bags (Quart & Gallon)
- Plastic Sandwich Bags
- Plastic Disposable Gloves (for cleaning) Medium & Large
If you are wanting to bring a donation from our Needs List, you will need to call (615) 444-8882 and schedule a delivery date with the Director or Assistant Director. Thank you all so much for the support and continuous blessings during this time!
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